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Showing posts from July, 2019

6.4 Earthquake N Shake

6.4 Earthquake in China Lake 1 message Brock Jackson <> Thu, Jul 4, 2019 at 11:55 AM To: In the China Lake area, around 10:30 there was a 6.4 magnitude earthquake. Yesterday there was 2 smaller magnitude quakes (3.4) near Grapevine, CA. Please see: Is there a way to identify if a quake has occurred naturally or instigated through artificially manipulated means? Wikipedia links to Government Official comment: C I TAT I O N [ 7 ] FEDERATION OF AMERICAN SCIENTISTS : ADDRESS BY US SECRETARY OF STATE AT 1997 CONFERENCE ON TERRORISM H T T P : // W W W. FA S . O R G / N E W S / U S A / 1 9 9 7 / 0 4 / B M D 9 7 0 4 2 9 D. H T M (It redirects to main site.) but the link is gone, mysteriously. With Google searching the ghost URL, I found the real quote: End of Ans...

Check Yourself

When believers are pressed. Do you love "this" more than Christ? Keep yourself from idols, including false notions of belief , conforming God to our image Vs. We see to be conformed into Christ's image. A simple gospel message, OT  Ps. 22, Isa. 53, Isa. 52, 61, PS. 103:12, Joel 2:8 Then a challenge, I'm not ashamed of the gospel of Christ. So prove it. All social media, all contacts. Same message. No doctrinal dogma, this is what God says about Salvation. Accept or Reject? Goodness or Wrath? God's not rejecting you, you're rejecting God. (by not taking His peace offering, by not surrendering, willful enemy combatant, siding with Satan and you'll do the time for Satan's crime. All the evil, all the suffering you're against. By not acknowledging your need to be born into God, you say you're okay. But you're not, you're going to die. There's only one true God running everything. If you're not with Him,... You're against Him...