This is our future "bitcoin" one world order stuff... Be watchful unto prayer and redeem the time! Blessings in Christ! p.s. basically, technology (silicon valley) is anti-christ and attempting to give humanity power (tower of babel to false heaven) and through technology to advance medicine. Humanity to live longer (forever) = purpose of medicine (medi-sin) and technology provides (V/R) (A/R) into an alternative reality (because people want to escape and not humble themselves and to go to God for TRUE Reality and restoration of this reality) They will sell an alternative "matrix" cyber existence and people will buy into that plan of a man (corporations and beast(economic) kingdoms) instead of God's man and plan. alternatively, God could send meteors, destroy satellites and the internet structures SOLAR FLARE EMP and humanity enters some stone age, demonic (think dark ages) game of thrones, throwback stuff (where revelati...