- Violated as young boy( 3 or 4y.o.) by by older boys at church family house
- Mom was overprotective of me because of the abuse incident
- My mom had a traumatic miscarriage due to a medical mistake and suffered from depression from that issue
- Mom was a hoarder*, could not have people over to play
- * she didn't keep up the house for a while and then it got hard to manage...
- Only child
- Few friends growing up
- Not popular at school.
- Mom did not have a vehicle so limited extracurricular activities (no soccer, sports, clubs etc)
- I did tae kwon do a few times but not in a row
- I did swimming as a youth but parents did not have funds to continue
- No vehicle made it difficult to get to friend's houses that lived farther away.
- Because my mom's hoarding disorder we could not have friends over
- Some of the neighborhood friends were a few years younger I was 12 and my best friend was 8 at the time
- Masterbated 1st time about age 12 or 13 in bathroom, some underwear model in a shopping catalog
- Exiting the bathroom, I felt something drop on the back of my neck. I was startled and I'm afraid of spiders and thought it was a spider I smacked whatever it was on the back of my neck and it turned out to be a bee that stung me on my finger
- I noticed I got a wart on that finger* and it's currently on my right middle finger right now
- * after repenting in 2017 after being convicted I prayed and I felt warmth which could have been the Holy Spirit, and my wart was gone...
- However I tried to minister to somebody who is fornicating at that time and I told him there are ways to deal with your urges even masturbation is better than fornication and unfortunately that opened the door like saying it was okay and I felt pretty shortly after that I think the work changed hands and fingers which doesn't really make sense but the wort is caused by a virus so it's possible
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- addicted to underage pron as teenager
- Repented at church camp when 17
- Questioned by fbi at 18 about something that happened when I was 16
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- Fornication with first gf age 19-21
- Pron use again after stressed / depressed
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- Arrested age 21 for grand theft auto
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- Arrested 6 months later for federal offense. Possession of cp (june 2009)
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- On house arrest/ bail...went to jail May 2012
- Met a messianic Chrisitan counseor, ... understood love of God 10-4-2015
- Sentenced nov 2015
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- Released from prison 2016
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- Read bible and prayed. Went to grandfather's church down the street
- Grandparents passed away dec2016 / jan2017
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- 07/2018 Talked with messianic believer " matthew meyer " ... he had testimonies like the book of acts..
- He invited me to be his disciple /(travel and learn) ... but I told him and he didnt know the legal ramifications. He took his website down some time later
- Mom diagnosed with cancer 08/2018
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- Mastrbation cycle began again 2019
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- Dated callie (wheelchair + ms) 12-2019 until 02/2020
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- Met Darrin june 2020
- Met homeless Paul July 2020
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- Mom passed october 2020
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- Moved to christian home 06/2021
- Moved to apt 01/2022
- moved back to Christian home 01/2023
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