Prophecy Truth Christ preached (Paul's way - only power of cross has built in power to save a life… "wow, He died for me…" ) People stop for life and death situations. This involves you! "Oh wow" Christians have what world is looking for, but they don't know / haven't realized it... (Eternal love and acceptance (not "unconditionally", rather "covenant-ally")) Meaning purpose significance Forgiveness Peace Joy truth is the subject, yet objective and knowable understandable, transcendent God made it by ( through ) faith, by the foolishness of preaching People's rejection of God is spiritual, and expected (carnal mind is enmity with God, cannot be subject to the law of God, By nature you were children of wrath, subject to fulfilling the lusts of the flesh and mind… Eph 2:3 ) you were free from righteousness but slaves to lawlessness leading to more lawlessness (Rom 6:19) (Transcend...