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Apologetics - imminent frame - what works - way forward



Christ preached
 (Paul's way - only power of cross has built in power to save a life… "wow, He died for me…" )
People stop for life and death situations. 
This involves you! "Oh wow"

Christians have what world is looking for,  but they don't know / haven't realized it...
(Eternal love and acceptance (not "unconditionally", rather "covenant-ally"))
Meaning purpose significance

truth is the subject, yet objective and knowable understandable,  transcendent

God made it by ( through ) faith, 
 by the foolishness of preaching

People's rejection of God is spiritual, and expected (carnal mind is enmity with God,   cannot be subject to the law of God, 
By nature you were children of wrath,  subject to fulfilling the lusts of the flesh and mind… Eph 2:3 ) you were free from righteousness but slaves to lawlessness leading to more lawlessness (Rom 6:19)

(Transcendent truths,  God breaks through and puts you safe and sound in His hand, ( basket, ark,  house, ) in Christ, saves your soul, only through one's open heart can the light, life, and  love of God shine, radiate, permeate, saturate, satiate, and fulfill their souls. )

It's not in the natural

Nature of the true God:

Holy, righteous,  just, loving 

Paul: if you judge yourself 
unworthy of everlasting life..

Jesus said the harvest is plentiful,  people want answers, they want eternal meaning and purpose...
They want God 

Some don't…

Be kind,  gentle, peradventure God will grant them repentance to truth...

Overarching themes in history a la
Outliers,  Freakonomics…

If Christians weren't in the world, we wouldn't have journalism… (many other notable contributions) 

Show the enemy's plan (promoting rebellion, acceptance and furtherance of sexual sins,*  breaking up of God's order for families, increase in self reliance, industrialization, women in workforce,   single mothers, push for abortion, 2 world wars (times of the end - nation against nation) and formation of Israel in a day,  OT prophecy fulfilled. (Why does the world pick on the Jews anyway? Jealousy? They have the money, the promises… they have an enemy) *revelation 17:17

Progression of moving towns away from churches (used to be the center hub)...
  However,  even in "cultural christianity" state religion or prevailing norm, becomes a cultural lifestyle,   maybe there are more false "believers" because of fear of rejection, ...

(When) We are convinced in claims of Christianity -
Willing to suffer and die for the truth. 
Lay down our lives for the brethren. 

  expose unfruitful works of darkness...

Steady decline in morals,  for what? (They have pleasure in those who do the same...,  they malign you for not running to same gross of excess in immoral indulgence) 
indoctrination in science,  academia, "free schools" to teach them young which way to go,  
(Hearts are desperately wicked) 
children aren't parented barely, not disciplined biblically anymore,  through the liberal indoctrination of churches, the consumerism movement and "many teachers" going against James 3...
Schisms and denominations,  is Christ divided? 

Confusion,  doctrines of demons,  who can sort all that mess out? A kingdom divided cannot stand….

And the containment of church bodies … bully through fear (not speak religion,  politics) 

And the overwhelming nature of fast paced life. Easier to go with the flow,  (hey I'm saved right? ) than being persecuted for righteousness sake or for desiring to live godly in Christ Jesus.  Bad role models and lack of true connection, discipleship and exercise of church discipline that would put the disobedient out of their midst.  Probably a lack of the true spirit of God, producing holiness

A concern for numbers and ministry and buildings allows money to prohibit the convicting message of truth and seeks to serve the church the world instead of holiness to be transformed,  not conformed to the world. 

Worldly thinking begets worldly sermons and worldly parishioners and worldly churches the masses dismiss and reject...

Satan's temporary rulership...
If there was an unseen group hell-bent on controlling people for their own means and ends (and it's spiritual)  and only Jesus has the power and authority to overrule and override and evict those unclean spirits, ...
That would end their rule and reign,  their "fun" (Their judgement is written., and waiting) 

God made hell for devil and fallen angels

There would be a concerted effort to distort the truth,  and have a reason to belittle Christ, anything but that… narrow minded.  Well 1 is narrow. True never changes. The offer is to anyone... open to all. (No discrimination) 

God commands men everywhere to repent.
With command comes power to choose good,
Choose life,  choose God. 
Jesus explains,  or as John writes,  the condemnation is because they loved their sin more.. they loved ( fakeness) darkness rather than the light (truth) so their evil deeds wouldn't be known…

Here's the faith,  free will. 
Reasoning and understanding. 
We all have it. 
God does all the work, (when we surrender)  through God's spirit…

Can you love?
Can you be loved? 
We love him because He first loved us. 

New definition of love...

Faith being what you do :
 just shall live by faith 
You serve somebody...
Romans 6:16
[16]Know ye not, that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye obey; whether of sin unto death, or of obedience unto righteousness?
"Hearken" & "do"
Zech 1:4
Ezek 20:8
Jer. 35 :15 
Jer. 26 : 3
Jer 16:12
Kings 11:38

James' hypocrisy : hearers and not doers,  deceiving self.
Hear and do these sayings, built house on rock
If you love me keep my commands
Least are those who break the commands and teach men so
Judged for every deed, Good or bad
Scarcely are the righteous saved
What manner of people we should be perfecting holiness in fear of God
Those who do the will of God live and abide forever
Without faith,  impossible to please God
Know to do right and not,  sin
Any not of faith is sin (evil heart of unbelief) 
Faith working through love
Love fulfills the law
How do you prove this in a free will world? 
The testing and trial of your faith is more valuable to God than gold.
Only after the trial is faith realized,  brought forth into reality and a testimony,  bearing fruit to the powerful working of God through His vessel (we are unprofitable servants doing what it is our duty to do, unless lazy fruitless servants in danger of being cut off! ) 

how many want to hear "well done good and faithful servant,"  without doing anything, no inconvenience, no suffering for His namesake,  no sacrifice of any kind…?
"Why do you call me Lord and not do what I say?"
Either Lord of all or not at all...
present your body a living sacrifice,  its reasonable. 
Your entrusting yourself,  your soul to Him, why not everything inside and out? 

Unless we judge Him unworthy...
Unless we have higher esteem for the things of men,  (abomination in sight of Lord) 
A friend of the world,  
Makes himself an enemy of God ...
Love not the world or anything in the world, or the love of the Father is not in the believer...

 serve God or mammon...  
Worship in spirit and truth,  life is worship. What we do, what we allow. We believe.
Do we believe Jesus has the words of everlasting life?
Why follow any other gurus or teaching or seek any other advice… wisdom available free…

God is rewarder of those who diligently seek Him…

What if we don't do what He says…
 Why not?  
Fear.. not from God, not trusting,  not faith, is sin. 
Idols,  loving other things,  placing other things ahead of God…
...keep yourself from idols
Covetousness is idolatry

Lack of love, (you left your first love) 

[ ] Unbelieving
[ ] Unfaithful 
[ ] Willfully Disobedient
[ ] Hypocrite

Which is it? 

If we would judge ourselves,  we wouldn't be judged… judgement begins at the house of God

If we're ashamed of Him and His words..
No excuses.. "oh, you have something of greater significance and urgency, moreso than to do the will of God? " 

Rise of hopelessness from postmodern thought...suicide,  depression,  

Meaninglessness,  fatalism, nihilism

Your best life now thinking,  (this is as good as it gets , "eat, drink, tomorrow we die",  if suffering why continue, leads to "sympathetic" euthanasia, abortion of unwanted) 
people cannot live a second without hope. 

Secularization Cheapens human life,  redirect to causes temporary(save the earth) , distractions( love animals - Hinduism, cheapens human life,  save the cricket or the baby? Whichever is closer, easier…)

What God teaches us: you are not free. 
you are slaves to your desires. You were born into this world with your father as currently the devil until you learn the truth. 
God commands men everywhere to repent,  knowledge of truth, 
One God and one mediator between God and man, the man Christ Jesus, no other name given among men by which we must be saved
Preaching repentance and remission of sins in my name
you must be born again. 
Jesus to everyone. 
If you hold fast His words, become His disciple (practice righteousness), you will know(experience) the truth, (take no provision,  they see unclean spirits subject to them, they see the power of God) and the truth (of God's love and provision) sets them free (from fear or the enemy. )
Jesus says, if the son makes you free,  you'll be free indeed, (for real.)

Vessel sanctified (understanding will of God in sanctification,  partaker of His holiness) ready for every good work of the Master. 

Those in current world order desire to keep us divided...Keep an us versus them mentality..
Sows discord among brethren, an abomination to God 

God blesses peacemakers

Evangelicals need the fear of God back
Knowing the terror of the Lord,  we persuade men..

People in world system are afraid,  no real connections, put up facades and we all play the me game

Every hurt,  every wrong
Was from someone not keeping the Love of God first,  doing no harm, thoughtful of the other's feelings first,  

We have the ability (access) to overcome evil with good
Through the divine nature we escape the corruption in the world,  (lust) 

Would you like to live in a perfect world forever (with no memory of the past)?

Why evil,  why this? 
To know firsthand in reality the Pain and suffering sin, pride causes and the devil's way is no good (once in heaven,  we'll never be tempted to go there ,[ to hell,] nor to leave God nor to forsake Him) and to also test the genuineness of our faith,  as well as enjoying protection (the grace of eternal life) as an expression of God's love

Everyone has faith,  even "not faith" … 
it's belief that you do, what you allow…right or wrong. The life you live is your faith… the question is can it save you?

Why do you believe (that current worldview) ?  
(How many times has man been wrong? That science has gotten it wrong and keeps changing? 96 % of "universe" is unknown,  dark matter and energy (to make the calculations work) faith in 4%? Take it to Vegas? Bet with your life? Russian roulette… this revolver has 25 bullet slots.  24 slots are filled with lethal ammunition. One isn't. Would You like to play? )

Science is the natural, ...
 God uses the supernatural to prove it's really Him,  again and again so that they may know "I AM, the Lord." 
unheard of someone born blind has sight restored. People raised from dead...

Do you want a God of what's possible only according to your comprehension or understanding?  God is way greater...
Or the only True God with true power, real, unlimited, anything is possible with Him. 
Do you believe God can do anything?
Including raise the dead...
And want to forgive you
Adopt you 
Give you  His spirit

One way , not many

No confusion, simplicity in Christ

Challenge the worldview: 
How does morality fit in with evolution? 

Did you learn that,  did someone teach you? 

Bible says God put eternity in the hearts of men
Do you want to avoid death? 

Free pill? 

What would people pay,  what would they do? 

Don't lose your soul in pursuit of this world...

Christianity's been under attack for two millennia,  and still stands the test

"Job the righteous",  approach: 
 who are you? Powerlessness of humanity, power of God, it's his mercies that we are not consumed. 

Can you keep yourself alive? 

Are you mortal? So you're not God.  Are you perfect? No… so, this is not your world,  not your rules, and are you afraid to die? Do animals live in anxiety? 

So your faith in ------ is so great, as to declare there's no God,  
[well I don't know]
Okay well you wouldn't want Good mad at you? 
Would you call him a liar to his face? 
Well not believing His testimony effectively does that. 
You're in essence saying your don't need to be forgiven,  and you agree with the crucifixion of Jesus, it doesn't phase you at all, and you want to live your life your way and won't listen to anyone, ...
Jesus most influential man in history… who do you say he is,  his claims are amazing, divisive

Worth your time to take a look,
As an agnostic,  someone not in the know,  worth your time to check into

There is a hell,  you really don't want to spend a trillion years times a trillion….

I believe this,  (compassion,) I don't want you or anyone to go to hell…

They don't care how much you know until they know how much you care...

Why do you keep the laws? Law abiding citizen
(No prison… personal pride) 

Would you go to the homeland security (or embassy) and reject your citizenship and declare war on the United States of America and yourself as an enemy combatant?*

(Jesus is Lord,  not Cesar, what were they doing?  Jesus is divine and ruling from heaven is risen,  alive, glorified, … they were belonging His claims,  not afraid of mere man, fearing God, rejoicing in our names written in heaven,  greatest honour to have opportunity to be a part of His plans, to be called by God almighty...

*if we reject God, his goodness,  his forgiveness, his peace treaty,  what's left? His wrath and righteous indignation.

Modern day parables...

Way forward :

I love Jesus more than you….
Expose hypocrisy in this nation of bullying Christians
Speaking truth in love
Using their tactics? (Banding together being seen and heard,  advocating our rights to freedom of speech) 
We cannot help who we love,  
why do you hate us,  discriminate, try to silence us and shame us?
Do you know why we love him?
He first loved us , God proved it through Christ dying for us. 

Know we have the truth, confidence in God...
Invite,  confident,  respectful and leave it.  They made the mistake, 
 we're not begging them* (sensing desperation or us trying to get something) 
It's not them making a judgment call on God,
It's God judging them and us offering the only way out,  (holding forth the word of life) 
blessed defender,  advocate, blest lawyer available.. 
only one plea deal on the table

Give them the true scenario,  let them pick the wise choice, ( it's your bed,  lie in it, )

My hands are clean,  I did not neglect to declare to you the whole counsel of God 

*Paul,  we beseech you to be reconciled to God through Christ,  knowing the terror of Lord, they persuade men, save yourselves from this wicked generation

Be real…
Letting the presence and irresistible grace of Jesus continually refilling and be-filling us as we live joyfully, blessing all while praising God, best witness of Jesus. 
(Easier said than done) 

Why did Jesus choose relatively young men? 
Zealous,  energetic, not a lot of "possessions" to leave or accomplishments yet, better purpose and something to work at towards,  eternal significance (go big)

Why are older people a blessing?
Wisdom,  discerning good from evil
 and what is the interaction (older disciples the younger) 
Younger energizes the elder,  and the elder imparts wisdom, instruction.  Both are useful and significant

People knowing their identity in Christ,  joy in serving Him through their gift, eternal significance/ satisfaction….


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