Hello this is in response to the article
"Grieving the Holy Spirit of God"
I use voice typing please forgive the strange capitalization and formatting.
Some more verses that help your non trinitarian point:
Romans 8:16 spirit "itself," (helps make your point)
(King James has extra "him" - if the spirit of him who raised Christ from the dead - Rom. 8:11)
Peter: through the "divine nature", we escape corruption in the world.
It pleased the " Godhead"...
My number one concern is who is interceding in Romans 8:26? Romans 8:34 says it's Jesus.
Roman's 8:14, "led by the Spirit,"
Elsewhere, it is "keep in step with the spirit"
How does that work with "it's the spirit of God Almighty" position? If it was God wouldn't He just do what He wanted and take control? where would be the following?
1st John might have the answer: we ought to walk as He walked (He, being Jesus)
John was praising them for walking in Truth, in Love, and in the Light.
The following is my attempt at a response of clarity and cohesion [although Paul does write great is the mystery of godliness and I don't know if God wants us to understand Him fully this side of Heaven. What He does say about Himself, I'm willing to receive.]:
Love of God is poured out into our hearts by the Spirit.
From the unity the Father shares with the Son.
"That they may be one as we are one"
As Father has life in himself
Jesus has life in himself
(Jesus the word in the flesh, within the word is attribute of holiness,
His words are spirit and life
Spirit is life because of holiness)
For example in the beginning God spoke "The Word" and the Spirit of God, moved to accomplish the work of God -
it was a decree formulated and known in the Word. It became reality through His spirit working, building to the "standard" of the Logos plan/ blueprint.
To help address the Father unity, position, no one can be at the side(Rom 8:34) of the Father if not equal. The head of Christ is God, all things are given into His hands,
He made everything and there wasn't anything made that was not made through him and all things were made for him.
For it pleased God to give Him the kingdom and to give Him all judgment.
( like the Old Testament where ( I'm now paraphrasing) I will be King in Name and regards to the throne, you manage the kingdom)
Jesus is our intermediary. He is our advocate . He is our intercessor.
God desires all men to come to the knowledge of the truth one God one mediator between God and man the man Jesus Christ.
The spirit intercedes for us Jesus says if I don't go, the comforter will not come, whom I will send in my name.
This is just an opinion, in the Old Testament
God Spirit was always upon anyone
David said Don't Take Your Holy Spirit from me I don't know if he believed he was in dwelt
it is confirmed none righteous no not one
Holy God will not dwell with Unholy man
Because Jesus was pure and holy flesh God could Tabernacle in that vessel
In a way that he tabernacled among his people in the Ark of the Covenant
The veil was torn after Christ gave up his spirit
Now God was no longer localized in one location
(Not on a mountain or in Jerusalem, the Father desires us to Worship in Spirit and Truth)
At pentecost, Could begin what the prophet Joel stated God is pouring out his Spirit on all flesh.
In acts, Peter says Jesus was Anointed with power.
Jesus said stay in Jerusalem until you are anointed with power from on high, that of course is Pentecost.
What I'm getting at is Jesus said unless I go the comforter will not come to you.
Jesus was baptized to fulfill all righteousness,
The Believers baptism in the name of the Lord or in the name of Jesus or through the name (the power the authority ) of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit,
The holy spirit is the gift of promise:
repent, believe, be baptized, calling on the name of the Lord, so that you may receive the gift and Times of refreshing may come from the Lord
Perhaps the comforter is the spirit of Jesus while he lived in the flesh, *
a perfect life lived, by a man, who never fell and lost Union or communion with God
This had never been done ever before,
Through the first Adam sin came and death through the second Adam (and his perfect righteousness) the free gift of Life: redemption in Jesus Christ
Jesus will not leave them comfortless he will send them the comforter - the father will send you another helper additional and same quality as Jesus the" present of presence"
the spirit of truth will lead you and guide you into all truth
if you have been taught the truth in Jesus
Jesus does everything pleasing to the father
there's no condemnation for those who are in Christ who walk after the spirit
those who are led by the spirit of God are sons of God those who do the will of God live and abide forever - to make the point, was not done before Jesus.
So when Jesus was raised for our justification -perhaps from the grave( although that's been done before)
Jesus ascended on high to the right hand of the Father (which has never been done before)
To continually intercede on our behalf, a high priest on the order of Melchisedec, as an unchangeable priesthood based on the power of a never-ending life, that death cannot hold him, for he has overcome death.
The spirit we receive is the righteousness by faith, faith of Jesus (Rev. 14:12), spirit is life because of Jesus' righteousness.
My suggestion is the glorified body of Christ has afforded humanity the only way to know God, (only begotten son) and the life is in His son (col. 3:3-4 - our souls are in the ark so to speak,
When He appears we will be with Him ( in a glorified state, - We don't know yet what we will be but we know we will be as He is)
all of creation groans in childbirth waiting for the revelation of the sons of God)
The idea of Christ: the only way to be born again is through the spirit that proceeds forth from the son.
We have to go to the son, only He can baptize us, whom the son sets free is free indeed
We are to abide in Him.
John said of Jesus: He is the one who baptizes with the Holy Spirit.
Only Jesus has received the Spirit of the Father without measure each of us I receiving different gifts different measures according to the grace of Jesus as we are found faithful, Jesus may increase. And bless his disciple his servant with more talents to bring a greater yield to the glory of God the Father, only through the grace of Jesus.
You're dead to the law married to Christ to bear fruit for God; we are his workmanship created in Christ Jesus for good works that we should walk in them prepared beforehand.
Do we receive anything direct from God the Father? outside of Christ no.
Without him we can do nothing;
no one in the flesh pleases God.
God's commanded men everywhere to repent,
To be born again to be United in Christ to share in his life to abide in the True Vine and the sufficiency is not of ourselves that is of him; we are complete in him who is the head of all power.
I guess we need to look in the Old Testament to see the Divinity of the Messiah
one like the son of man was brought near to the Ancient of Days
So is it possible Jesus is the God of man and God the Father is the Almighty God and Father of Jesus,
our profession is Jesus is Lord of all
In Revelation it's God and the lamb almost interchangeably. what's the difference?
Does not Jesus accept worship on Earth
Was he not crucified for claiming equality with God, saying that He was "I AM"?
He says to Philip how can you be with me for so long and say show me the Father?
The spirit brings to light the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.
Paul says it's the Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom ( the honest question for most of christianity in this present age: which kingdom? is it in this world or in his future world? In His kingdom the Kingdom of Light (for we are instructed not to be a friend of this world nor to love this world)
Paul says the kingdoms of this world are becoming the kingdoms of God and his Christ
... we don't see it happening yet but He has all power to bring that to pass...
that God is reconciling the world to himself through Christ...
"Whom heaven must receive until the restitution of all things"
( The only "man" in God's heaven? col 3:3
and our lives are hidden and covered with Christ in God)
( another challenging text : Father speaking, "this is My beloved Son in whom I'm well pleased" and the Holy Spirit descends upon Jesus like a dove, three components of God in one place.
Directed into the love of God, the grace of Jesus, in communion in the Holy Ghost - 2 Corinthians 13:14
Another challenging text in 1st John is:
three bear witness in heaven "father, word and spirit"
The three fold nature is discussed in Matt 23: 8-10, regarding father's and "rabbis" and masters
Arguably the "rabbi" is the spirit of Christ, to train up and develop God's children, with the mind of Christ,
(Access to the deep things of God -
2nd Corinthians 2: 10- 16)
These are the verses that I am unsure about:
" spirit of adoption, "
"spirit bears witness with our spirit"
Pleased the godhead that fullness of deity should dwell in him bodily
Comforter will come
God says he will pour out His spirit on all flesh
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